Changing Lives for the Better by Creating Pathways to Opportunity

About Us Overview

Xashy tech university is an institute owned by Xashy Inc an American based software consulting company. Our mission and focus all come back to expanding access to education. It’s the driving force behind why we do everything the way we do here at XTU. Understanding our mission helps make clear why we have certain initiatives, and programs. All of it is geared toward expanding our mission of higher education in tech.

As the most student-centric university in the world, XTU goes beyond convention to identify, develop, and implement programs, systems, and technologies that pave the path to opportunity for all.

A Message From Our President

At XTU, we believe in the power of human potential. We believe in the inherent worth and ability of every individual and we know that, given the opportunity, every person has something big to contribute. But too often, for too many, the gap between talent and access to opportunity is wide. XTU exists to bridge that gap. Higher education is the surest pathway to a better life for individuals and their families. Access to high-quality education is key to helping people make the most of their potential and thrive. It is this conviction that drives what we do at XTU. It’s why we commit to being the world’s most student-centric university and why we aren’t afraid to go beyond convention to make the promise of higher education deliver for everyone. It’s why we’re called the University of You because we know that your success is what really matters.

The Story of XTU

Our History

Who we are as a university today is directly influenced by where we have come from. Our drive has always been to help more students get the access to education that they deserve. From our past to our present and to our future, enhancing education for all has been, and will continue to be, our purpose.

Our Mission

Our mission and focus all come back to expanding access to education. It's the driving force behind why we do everything the way we do here at XTU. Understanding our mission helps make clear why we have certain initiatives, programs, and partnerships in place. All of it is geared toward expanding our mission of higher education for all.

Our Process

Our unique approach to learning is called competency-based education, and it's proven to help students accelerate their degrees and get into the workforce. We measure impact on individuals, and competency-based education allows us to do that. We're working to expand competency-based education practices so that even more, students can benefit.

- What We Believe

We believe in human potential.

We believe in the inherent worth and ability of every individual. Talent is equally distributed; opportunity is not. We were founded to fix that.

We believe in the promise of education.

We believe education is the surest path to opportunity. We want to reinvent education so that every learner can have success.

We believe in our students.

If we provide them a student-centered, radically affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant education, they will succeed.

We believe that learners are workers.

Our students don’t just want a diploma—they want a pathway to opportunity. We design our programs to maximize student success in the workplace.

We believe we can’t get there without innovation.

Sustained success depends upon doing things differently, not just better. We are compelled to innovate and change the way people engage with learning and access opportunity.

We believe that big problems demand big solutions.

The number of learners who are being left behind is massive. The only way to solve the problem is to solve it at scale.

Ready to Start Your UTX Journey